

Clone Repository

git clone

Create Conda Environment

conda create -n etalon python=3.10
conda activate etalon

Install etalon

cd etalon
pip install -e .

Setup Hugging Face

First create and setup your account at and obtain API key. Then run the following command and enter API key linked to your hugging face account:

huggingface-cli login

Custom tokenizer corresponding to the model is fetched from Hugging Face hub. Make sure you have access to the model and are logged in to Hugging Face though command line.

Setup Wandb [Optional]

First create and setup your account at https://<your-org> or public Wandb and obtain API key. Then run the following command and enter API key linked to your wandb account:

wandb login --host https://<your-org>

Disabling Wandb

To opt out of wandb, do any of the following:

  1. Don’t pass any wandb related args like --wandb-project, --wandb-group and wandb-run-name when running python scripts. Alternatively, pass in --no-should-write-metrics instead of --should-write-metrics boolean flag.

  2. Run export WANDB_MODE=disabled in your shell or add this to ~/.zshrc or ~/.bashrc. Remember to reload your shell using source ~/.zshrc or source ~/.bashrc.