Visualizing Metrics =================== ``etalon`` logs all the metrics to wandb. You can visualize these metrics using wandb dashboard. Check :ref:`wandb_setup` to setup wandb and :ref:`wandb_args_open_source_systems` to log metrics to wandb. To visualize the metrics, follow the steps below: 1. Go to wandb dashboard at ````. 2. Select the runs you want to visualize in Workspace tab. .. image:: ../_static/assets/wandb_dashboard.png :alt: wandb_dashboard :align: center :scale: 50% 3. Go to any charts section you want to visualize. .. image:: ../_static/assets/charts.png :alt: wandb_charts :align: center 4. Select the chart from the set of available charts in a given charts section. .. image:: ../_static/assets/metric_chart.png :alt: wandb_chart :align: center 5. You can also customize the chart based on your requirements on wandb.